Who is Copy

Born and raised in Germany , Munich, trilingual (DE, EN, GR)

Producing videos, movies & animations since 2014 and developing software since 2016. Basically everything what involves my Creative Spirit.

I am a self taught Developer. I started learning Javascript in mid-2019 and C++ in late 2020. Since Late-2022 i'm working full time in a IT Company. I worked with small & big groups and companies around germany on projects & designs

I operate a youtube network with channels like Copy05, CopyWealth, ImprovityX, Shroomrelease, CentralOfMemes
Totalling 113K Views and +310 Subscribers

What i'm doing:

Video & Movie Production

I am interested in video & movie production since 2014 because i am fascinated what magic is behind the movies and how movies manipulate with our emotions

Since 2023 I am operating a Agency for Content Creation and offer my skills to others.

Development & IT

Since 2016 I am Developing Tools and Software mostly Open Source Software. I mostly do Web-Development or Code in Python & Javascript


I am fascinated how Corperations and Businesses work and operate. I own 3 Busineses:

And i operate a youtube network totalling:
+310 Subscribers

I'm experienced in:

I'm familiar with:

I also own: Entertainmasters, CopyMedia & Agesoft

Interested? you can contact me: Here